Chapter 13: My Paternal Grandparents.
Carolyne's paternal grandfather, William Henry Taylor, a highly respected judge and owner of the Sycamore Hotel in Ridgeland, South Carolina.
Chapter 13: My Paternal Grandparents.
The Sycamore Hotel owned by Carolyne’s paternal grandparents, William Henry Taylor and Clara Pevey Taylor.
Chapter 13: My Maternal Grandparents.
Carolyne's maternal grandmother, Martha Hettie Spilliards Gray. She always wore a cameo around her neck and wore her hair in a bun and never cut it.
Chapter 13: My Maternal Grandparents.
Carolyne's maternal grandfather, William Frank Gray, a profitable famer and land owner. The town of Grays, South Carolina, is named after him.
Chapter 13: My Maternal Grandparents.
Carolyne's granddaughter, Heather, left, and her cousin standing in front of the sign, Grays, the town named after Carolyne's maternal grandfather, William Frank Gray.